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Latest revision as of 11:06, 8 September 2021

From: Cap           Title: Update 20200528                          
Appends: 1          Posted On: Friday, May 29 2020, 04:54AM
** CODE **


- Harvest now takes multiple commands to fully harvest. This gives more chances at skillups. 
  Overall the yields shouldn't change, but they probably will because you have more attempts at
  failures. In any event, the 'behind the scenes calculation' of how much a crop will yield stays
  the same.
- You can now water friends' gardens
- Gardens are saved more frequently


- Builders now have more fine-grained control over when and how a mob regenerates. 
  Therefore I'm rolling back out the 'high xp mobs naturally regenerate faster' code 
- The 'virtual level' calculation has been reduced. Therefore level 50s should see an increase 
  in xp on killing mobs over 63000xp. Probably not quite as good as it used to be, but 
  better than it is now.


- Lots and lots of memory issues and general memory management cleanups

- Fixes for crashing issues

- Chant's magic requirement is higher. Limans no longer qualify for chant.

- New command: SHOWXPINFO - Currently shows the amount of xp earned by all players since reboot and
the % of that amount broken down by hour for the last 24 hours.

- When you enter an area, you will get a message showing you that you've entered a new area. If you
come in in housing, you'll be in the Player Housing area until you move to the regular mud. After 
that Player Housing won't be mentioned again (unless you rent/come in there).

- You can find out what area you are in by  typing WHERE

- Mobs will not wander into houses. They can still go in there, but it either has to be through
  panic or a more deliberate action (hunting, etc)

- If you die with res affects up, the res effects stick around

- object aliases work with get herb anywhere code

** AREAS **

- Ghost hunters have the hunter kw again
- Various typo and bad act fixes all around the mud

Morrigan's Maze
- MM scales to any group size, it used to stop scaling above 5 players.
- new area specific prep added to the selection pool
- new special room added, with a 1 in 3 chance of loading on any given run
- bosses in Hard Mode and God Mode don't take kindly to pc charmies being
  abandoned in their room
- if pc charmies are fighting a mob when it dies then XP reward is reduced in 
  line with the rest of the mud.
- Morrigan no longer spams players who've beat God Mode
- Life fruit lasts a bit longer
- you can get back into MM if killed by a mobs charmie now; you can get back
  in unless you recalled or portaled out. Please let me know if there is a
  way this can be abused that I have overlooked.
- higher difficulties get better crow coin drops
- the standard nostaligia death messages are silenced by CONFIG ANNDEATH and 
- Morrigan's wording is a little clearer, when describing the three 
  directions offered to players.

- Dr. Moon now sells .405 ammo
- fixes a rare issue where the phantasm could vanish and not return midfight.
- Slight boost to XP reward from:
         - ghost of a former resident
         - dreadful delinquent
         - mother hayden
- reduction in XP reward from
        - herd of buffalo

North Africa
- grenades have more keywords from their long description
- fixed an issue where one type of grenade would not load

- coyotes no longer try (and fail) to eat player corpses
- fixed an issue where Chimu warriors would sometimes behave oddly 
  if you aren't wielding a weapon

- the mill gates messaging looks better

Ancient Greece
- boulders will fit in the river again

     Append 1 of 1 from Cap  on Friday, May 29 2020, 04:54AM
     RE: Cap            Title: Update 20200528                          
The quarterling in MM is misbehaving. He will cheat you until I can put a fix in!