Welcome Board Archive - Update 20200529

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Revision as of 11:10, 8 September 2021 by Emrysia (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<pre> From: Rufus Title: Update for 20200529 Appends: 2 Posted On: Friday, May 29 2020, 11:50AM ----------------------------------------...")
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From: Rufus         Title: Update for 20200529                      
Appends: 2          Posted On: Friday, May 29 2020, 11:50AM
Spell Changes:

- Stoneskin is now 150 mana, but all 150 is subject to mana reduction.
  Before, only the first 25 mana was subject to mana reduction, the 
  remaining 75 was not.

- Stoneskin can be renewed/refreshed

- Sloth mana cost reduced from 12 to 10

- Sleep mana cost increased from 15 to 30


- Vivificate won't tell you your fury timer hasn't expired

- Crashing bug fixed in rooms that had their exits shuffled

- Below-Level-Kill-Bonus reinstated for real this time for level 50s

- Another change to the mob virtual level calculation which will result
  in more virtual levels for higher xp.

- SHOWXPINFO no longer shows the percentage breakdown from the last 
  24 hours
- CONFIG HIDEAREA - hides the 'You have entered <areaname>' messages.

- Various typo fixes

- Areainfo/areas will show the percentage visited for each area.

- VISITED will now show you the % visited for the current area you 
  are in as well as the overall mud.


- 405 added as a keyword to the 405 cartridges

- Bow trans no longer sets your homeroom to the salutation inn

- various typo and bug fixes

Morrigan's Maze
- the scavenger quest feature has been greatly expanded
- the spinal chord typo got fixed, next I'll be spelling symbol as cymbal :P
- the tidgy quarterling behaves himself again

Append 1 of 2 from Rufus  on Friday, May 29 2020, 11:52AM
RE: Rufus          Title: Update for 20200529                      
- Hometown restrictions removed on expert parry if the character knows evasion

Append 2 of 2 from Rufus  on Friday, May 29 2020, 11:59AM
RE: Rufus          Title: Update for 20200529                      
- you will no longer be able to parry if you don't have a weapon, or have 
  a weapon that can't parry. Even if you know iron will, it's no longer a 
  'do not pass go, do not collect 200' on the way to parrying ability.