Board editor commands

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Notice boards are located in most areas. They will cover important questions and information about those areas. It is important to you as a player that you read ALL boards frequently as we would appreciate any comments, questions, or ideas you might have. If you LOVE something let us know, and if you HATE something let us know and it might get changed.

  • To see what messages are on a board, type LOOK BOARD.
  • To see the messages posted/appended to in the last 6 days, SKIM BOARD
  • To read a message type READ BOARD <message #>.
  • To read an append to a specific message, use READ BOARD <message #> <append #>.
  • To read the message following the last one you read, type READ NEXT. This will auto moves you to the next post if past last append.
  • To write a message on the board type WRITE BOARD <subject>.
  • To append to a message type APPEND BOARD <message #>.
  • To end a message type the @ symbol on a blank line.
  • To erase an old message of yours, type ERASE BOARD <message #>.
  • To post a note to a board use, POST <note> BOARD <title>.
  • To post a note to a board as an append, POST <note> BOARD <message #>.
  • To transfer an old posting to a note in your inventory, RETRACT BOARD <message #>.

There are several commands you can use while editing:

 @? or @help will give you a help screen.
 @@ or @restart will restart your message.
 @^ or @back will back up one line.
 @> or @show will show you your message thus far, with line numbers.

There is a 75 character line limit in writing; if you go beyond it, your line will be truncated and you will be notified. In addition, if you type asterisks or tildes, they will be converted to hyphens.

To use the advanced editor, type "config editor" and it will then be on. Once in this mode, when you attempt to write, you will be given the message: "You are now in command mode, enter 'i' to get to insert mode. To get out of insert mode put a '.' at the beginning of a line. Enter 'h' by itself for options." This editor is quite a bit more complex but it gives more control over editing.

To get out of the advanced mode, type "config editor" once again.