Welcome Board Archive - 6/25 Code updates

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From: Mertjai       Title: 6/25 Code updates                        
     Appends: 1          Posted On: Sunday, June 25 2017, 11:37PM
- Crashing bug fixed with navigation and maps.
- Memory optimization and many memory leaks sealed.
- Crashing bug related to an immortal command fixed.
- Random deaths due to a certain quest will no longer occur.

Appends: ( 1) From Joaquin on Tuesday, June 27 2017, 11:00AM

( 2) Append 1 of 1 from Joaquin  on Tuesday, June 27 2017, 11:00AM
     RE: Mertjai        Title: 6/25 Code updates                        
Also note that the alias command has been finally fixed. 

In order to learn the new limitations of the alias command, please 
feel free to read 'help alias' and 'help advanced alias'.

I added some explanation on what the limits are and about how to 
test if your aliases work out as you'd expect... BEFORE you realize
they fail while fighting Balor.