Welcome Board Archive - Code Update

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     From: Rufus         Title: Code Update                              
                         Posted On: Thursday, May 07 2020, 01:56PM
- The following spells (from brew) can all be recast:

    * Heightened Senses
    * Mental Focus
    * Spiritual Epiphany
    * Prescience

  Note that the refresh message is the same message as when it's 
  initially applied and it will fail if the new duration is shorter 
  than the duration of the previous affect. Shouldn't happen often, 
  but that's the logic that's in place.

- Shop peruse will only show shops to mortals which have at least 1 
  item for sale
- Added Color 47 (chant messages) and Color 48 (Spell effects)

  NOTE: I probably got most of these, but not all. if you see one 
  coming out in the wrong color, please bug it and I'll fix it.

- Make bandage has no prepreqs other than at least 1 pt in every