Welcome Board Archive - Patch Notes 11-22-2017

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Some notes from last night's code update:

* If the game is wizlocked and you try to connect, it will disconnect you 
after giving you a message that the game is wizlocked

* Shop <keyword> will now allow you to match keywords on strung 
  items with colors in their short descriptions

* Make amulet has a chance to fail. If it does, no herb will be 

* Speaking of Make Amulet, the new code is in. The results, other 
  than the small failure chance, are identical to how it was 
  previously. More amulets will likely be coming.

* No mobs in the game will attempt to teach foul any more. Nor 
  should purification and flavor teachers complain about your 

* Ethereal falchion rent changed

* SEE POST ABOVE for skill reimbursements

Appends: ( 1) From Rufus on Wednesday, November 22 2017, 07:21AM
         ( 2) From Cap on Wednesday, November 22 2017, 09:04AM

( 3) Append 1 of 2 from Rufus  on Wednesday, November 22 2017, 07:21AM
     RE: Rufus          Title: Patch Notes from 11/22                   
That should be 'shop peruse <item>' above

AFK Time: 6:04 pm GT:11:38 am Located: ooc (3391) Invis 51> 
read next

( 3) Append 2 of 2 from Cap  on Wednesday, November 22 2017, 09:04AM
     RE: Rufus          Title: Patch Notes from 11/22                   
+ the Lotus quest now works correctly.